Master in Electroacoustic and New Media Composition – MCE

Electroacoustic, real-time electronic music, field recordings, algorithmic composition and sound installations


Mixed music (acoustic instruments and electronics), electroacoustic music for fixed media (acousmatics), real-time electronics, recording techniques, algorithmic composition for instrumental and electronic music, PD/Max, SuperCollider, interactive systems, sound installations, improvisation with new technologies.
All these areas constitute ramifications of an approach to musical creation whose origin is the knowledge of the sound field and the electroacoustic medium.

This training plan combines aesthetic reflections with scientific and technical knowledge in an approach whose ultimate goal is electroacoustic composition. Electrocoustic is understood in a broad sense that includes different creative musical events of our time, such as contemporary composition, experimental music and sonic art.
In addition, the electroacoustic medium allows connections between music and other artistic disciplines such as performance, contemporary dance, film and visual arts, and between the areas of ‘classical’ music and ‘underground’ music. The knowledge acquired will provide powerful tools for pedagogy, interpretation and musicology. All of the above provides an interdisciplinary approach, which will allow those interested in other disciplines to gain a privileged solvency when refocusing and complementing their corresponding areas.

Homologation Resolution


I. Musical creation with new technologies

  • Sound creation in graphical environment (MaxMSP)
  • Sound creation in programming environment (SuperCollider)
  • Algorithmic composition and generative music
  • Videocreation and visual music
  • Graphics and compositional strategies with new media

II. Electroacoustic in real time

  • Live electronics
  • Sound installations and interactive systems
  • Performance and improvisation with new technologies

III. Historical and aesthetic content

  • History of electroacoustic and new media music
  • Music and technology: aesthetics and critical thinking

IV. Scientific and technical subjects

  • Field recording technique and practice
  • Recording and mastering techniques for electroacoustic music
  • Fundamentals of applied acoustics

V. Creative and research projects

  • Creation and individual supervised research
  • Production of works in different formats
  • Master's thesis research work
  • Colloquium

Admission and enrolment

Permanence and Promotion Regulations

a) Admission Process:

  1. Pre-registration for official Master’s degrees must be done through our academic platform by clicking on the ” Pre-enrolment” button.

  2. Following the pre-enrolment, the candidate must provide the official documentation scanned (not photographed) in PDF format and sent via email to

    • Higher Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent (both sides). In case of finishing these studies in the current academic year, send a certificate of current enrolment. 

    • Spanish students: DNI (both sides)
    • International students: Passport
  3. After fulfilling the entry requirements for each Master’s programme, the admissions committee will communicate the result to the candidate by e-mail.

  4. If admitted, the candidate will be able to register online at the CSKG website following the instructions that will be sent once accepted.

* If the student does not have a Higher Degree, Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent, he/she will be able to carry out the studies and opt for a non-official qualification.

b) Entry requirements for the MCE:

  1. Full biography
  2. Recent passport photograph in JPG format
  3. Motivation letter
  4. Selection of recent works (if available)

Send to

All students must be admitted by the master’s directors after evaluation of the material submitted in the pre-enrolment form. The CSKG will communicate individually with the pre-registered students to inform them of the selection and enrolment process. Applications are evaluated on a continuous basis, as they are received, until the group is filled. As the number of places is limited, candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

c) Enrolment: 

Once admitted to the Master’s Degree, students may reserve their place by formalising their enrolment. The instructions will be sent via email once the access requirements have been met.

The reservation of the place will be guaranteed exclusively upon receipt of the registration fee. This registration fee is non-refundable and includes:

  • Management and processing of academic transcript and Master’s degree.
  • Fees for the opening of the academic record
  • Academic coordination and production costs for concerts and various performances.

d) Payment methods

Once payment of the registration fee has been received, the student may choose one of the following methods of payment to cover the cost of the master’s degree (the technology pack is not included):

  • Single payment at the time of enrolment. Transfer or direct debit.
  • Payment in 2 instalments; the first at the time of enrolment and the second in February of the enrolled course. Transfer or direct debit.
  • Payment in 10 consecutive monthly instalments from September to June of the enrolled course. Direct debit.
  • Payment in 12 consecutive monthly instalments from September to August of the enrolled course. Direct debit.

General information

Master in Electroacoustic and New Media Composition - MCE

  • On-site: 12 months from October to October
  • 2 monthly meetings on weekends
  • 60 ECTS
  • Spanish and English (international guests)
  • Director: Sergio Luque
  • Professors: Juan Carlos Blancas, Anxe Faraldo, Sergio Luque, Adolfo Núñez, Manuel de Pablos, Pablo Sanz and Enrique Tomás
  • Price: 5,500€ + 500€ tuition fee

Aimed ar composers with academic or self-taught training, experimental musicians, sound artists, performers, improvisers, visual artists and those interested in exploring sound creation in depth.


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