Eva Gancedo

Eva Gancedo

Eva Gancedo is a composer and pedagogue based in Madrid. Her works have been performed, among others, by the Prague Symphony Orchestra, the RTVE Orchestra, Ara Malikian’s Chamber Group or Jorge Pardo’s jazz quartet. As a composer of soundtracks, she has worked with directors such as Ricardo Franco or Rafael Gordon, and in the stage field, with theatre directors such as José Monleón, or dance directors such as Carmen Senra.

He has received the Goya Award from the Film Academy for “Best Original Soundtrack” for the music for the feature film, La buena estrella , and several nominations for “Best Original Soundtrack” and “Best Song”, for La noche del hermano and Arderás conmigo. She has also won the Círculo de Escritores Cinematográficos Award for “Best Original Score” for her participation in the films La Reina Isabel en persona and La Buena Estrella, as well as the nomination for “Best TV Music” at the Television Academy Awards for La rosa de piedra. She studied music at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música in Madrid, extending her training with a Fullbright scholarship at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, where she obtained the Magna Cum Laude Graduation Award. She also studied at the University of Esztergom, Hungary, on a scholarship from the Hungarian government.

She has taught for a long period of time at the Autonomous University of Madrid and at the University of Valladolid in Segovia. She has also worked occasionally at the Centro Superior de Música del País Vasco, Musikene, and at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid.

She is currently director and teacher of the Master’s Degree in Composition for Audiovisual Media at the Centro Superior Katarina Gurska and teacher of pedagogy at the undergraduate level.

Asignaturas que imparte:

  • Educación auditiva
  • Fundamentos de Pedagogía
  • Formación Rítmica y Metodológica
  • Técnicas de composición

Títulos en los que imparte clase:

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